Dear Parents/Carers,
Term 6 already? Where does time go? As we move into our final term for this year, we reflect on the progress our children have made, and begin our preparations for moving the children onto their new year groups.
We will be welcoming our new starters for September, as well as inviting all parents into school later in the term to meet new teachers and to find out what lies ahead as your child moves up through the school, what will be expected from you and them for their new learning ahead.
We also have Sports Days to look forward to and Reception Bat Class has their special from Rocky's Animals later this month.
We are all looking forward to hosting our fundraising Summer Fair in July, and hope you will all be able to attend and have some fun.
Finally, please be aware that Mrs Allnutt is not in school at the moment, due to taking time to recover from knee surgery. We are wishing her a speedy recovery, and are hoping to see her back in school before the end of term.
In the meantime, I am acting on her behalf with the full support of the governing body and the incredible school staff team, as always.
Mrs Powlesland
Deputy Headteacher