We have welcomed new children into the nursery, they have settled well! We are also looking forward to Mrs Elsworth joining us after the break as the new nursery teacher.
For the first time, children in year 4 have started swimming lessons. The children are really enjoying this experience.
We saw some amazing costumes for our language & culture week, and the same for the NSPCC Numbers day.
Please check dates below and the website for a busy term 4. We will have Parents Evening for years R-4 next term. Please look out for the details to book your appointment via Parentmail.
Enjoy the half-term break.
Kind regards
Mrs Allnutt
Achievement Awards outside of School
We always like to hear about the achievements the children have outside of school. This term we have been told of the following:
2 gymnastic ribbons
2 gymnastic medals
Well done to the children with their achievements.
NSPCC Numbers Day
Thank you to everyone who took part and donated to the
Thursday 6th March
We will be celebrating this with a dance workshop for Reception – Year 4.
We will be spending the day focusing on the books ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and ‘The Day the Crayons came Home’ by Oliver Jeffers.
We are asking for ch...