The first term of any new school year is always a busy one!
Reception and new Nursery children have all settled so well and are now beginning their journey of education at Greenvale. It has been a pleasure to get to know the children and watch them make new friends. The children have been enjoying their learning environments and exploring new opportunities.
In Key Stage One, Year 2 have had 'Jaws and Claws' visit to learn all about habitats and caring for animals. The children thoroughly enjoyed their time with the different types of creatures.
Thank you to all those who attended parents evening, this is an important event as you are able to discuss with your child's teacher about how they have settled into their new year and class, and how their learning is progressing. If you did not manage to make parents evening but still wish to talk to your child's teacher, then phone or email the office to see what availability the class teacher has to see you.
Finally, I want to say how enthusiastically the children have begun their new year of learning. Have a fantastic half term and be safe.
Mrs Allnutt
Reading at Home
Please remember to add ANY home reading to your child's reading record; reading their school book, having a bedtime story, reading instructions for a game. We are keen to celebrate ALL reading achievements as we develop our ability to, and love for reading.
Achievements outside of school
7 gymnastics 'Star of the Week' certificates.
4 dance awards
1 dog trainers rosette
1 martial arts belt
2 library readers awards
1 parents player football trophy
1 pet care award
We always like to hear about the achievements for the children that take place outside of school, and we celebrate them on Friday's in the 'celebration' assembly.
Please keep sending them in!
Walk to School
There are 621 schools nationally taking part in the scheme - Greenvale is currently number 4 in the country for active journeys. There are 7 schools in Medway taking part and we are currently the top school!
Walking, scooting and talking our way to better health, and a great start to our day of learning!