As the term draws to a close, I want to thank you for your continued support and the amazing work you are doing with your children.
This term has been full of lots of exciting events for our children, including the Coronation and Elmer Day. The children all made special stamps to display in the hall of the new Kings silhouette to celebrate the event.
A couple of reminders for next term. Please remember to look out for emails regarding events in our final term including sports day and our Alice in Wonderland summer fair! If you want to have a stall at the summer fair, please ask in the office.
This is our first year of having a year 3 class in September, and we are all very excited about it! There will be parent talks about each year group during term 6 for you to attend. These talks will give you information and expectations for your child's new year group, including homework and reading. We will also be moving over to a 'cashless' system of payment to make it easier for everyone. Information regarding this will be sent out in due course.
Finally, I want to wish you and your family a happy, safe and sunny half term!
Mrs Allnutt
Back to School
School is closed on Monday 5th June.
All Children are back on Tuesday 6th June.
Wall of Fame
Every term we like to celebrate the achievements our pupils make outside of school.
We love to share the children 'out-of-school' achievements in our Celebration Assembly each week. Please send in any medals, certificates or trophies that the children get.
This term it is:
1 Dance Award
Well done to all the children for all achievements and awards made over the past term, whether you have wanted to share them in school or just with your families.
Sun Safety
As we hope that we are now seeing the start of summer and sunshine.
Please ensure that your child brings to school every day a water bottle, and has a summer hat to wear in school.
Make sure bottles and hats are clearly labelled with your child's name.
Parent Governor Vacancy
Are you interested in education and the future of the schools in your community?
Could you make time to help improve the lives of local children?
Do you have the energy, enthusiasm and the ability to work as part of a team to help improve the school?
If the answer is yes to all of these questions, why not become a Parent Governor for Greenvale Primary School.
Please call into the office for further details if you are interested!
Tuesday 4th July
This year's sports day for years R-2 will be in the morning, weather permitting.
If this does not take place due to the weather this will not be rearranged.
Details to follow