Term 2 is always very busy, with lots of celebrations and events going on. We have non-uniform days, concerts, fairs and visitors coming up.
Please check the latest news and dates below. We will email information about each event out to you all - so spread the word in case someone's data has run out or the message hasn't got through - we'd hate for anyone to miss anything.
Year group email
Please remember that you can contact your child's year group with our year group emails:
Year 2 - Badger Class: yr2@greenvale.medway.sch.uk
Year 1 - Owl Class: yr1@greenvale.medway.sch.uk
Reception - Bat Class: foundation@greenvale.medway.sch.uk
We will share information with you in your child's reading record. Reading with your child in a range of ways will support them to become a confident reader. The reading books we send home are designed to be decodable - but we know that children will want to read other books too. ANY reading activity has value - bedtime stories, your child reading their book, or any kind of reading activity, long or short.
Poppy Appeal 2022
Poppies are available from school until next Friday 11.11.22.
School Council are responsible for bringing them around to the classes for the children. Any donations are gratefully received.
Watch out for a special poppy event from Year 1 next week!
Winter Clothing
Now that the weather has turned, please ensure that your child brings a coat to school every day, and suitable footwear is worn.
Wellington boots can be worn to school but a separate pair of shoes or plimsolls will be required for changing into once at school.
PE kits should still be worn to school on your child's designated PE day but jogging bottoms or leggings are now advisable to shorts.
Monday 7th November 4pm to 5.30pm
Spooks and Sparkles After School Disco for Years 1 & 2.
Tickets go on sale on Tuesday 1st November £2.50 a ticket including drink, snack and spooky surprise!
Monday 14th November
We will be taking part in odd socks day on the 14th November, as part of Anti-Bullying week.
Come to school wearing your odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique!
Friday 18th November
As always, we are taking part in Children in Need. This year's theme is 'spotty'. You can wear anything spotty. You can create your own spotty top or wear some Pudsey ears!