Firstly, thank you to all those who attended parents evening. It was lovely to share how your child has settled into school and to meet you all face to face. It is so important that you attend parents evening so that we can work together to help your child grow and learn at home and school. I know that the staff will have explained that reading at home or reading to your child is one of the most rewarding and important pieces of homework you can do with your child.
The children have been busy learning new topics this term, including all about Autumn and the seasons. Reception and Nursery have begun their journey at Greenvale, enjoying the many learning activities and outside space. They have been a real pleasure to be with.
The term has ended with some lovely Diwali dancing which all the children joined in with. They have learnt all about the 'Festival of lights' and how it is celebrated. Diwali illuminates the house and hearts, and this festival spreads the message of friendship and togetherness. This is the festival of hope, success, knowledge and fortune, a really wonderful way to end the term!
Enjoy the break, and we will see you all back on Monday 31st October.
Kind regards,
Mrs Allnutt
We had a special visitor this term.
Woody & Luna's mum Nala paid them a visit!
Nala came to see the lovely work that Woody and Luna do, to make the children's day happy.
Nala got to see some children and taught them a special breathing technique to create a calm classroom. The children were amazing, and it made the dogs feel very happy to be stroked by so many calm and gentle hands.
Lovely to see you Nala, come back soon!
We love to celebrate all of our children's achievements, both in school at those achieved out of school. If you are part of any clubs or groups, and you earn certificates, trophies, medal or awards, please bring them in to show us, so that we can add you to our Wall of Fame. We will regularly publish a list of amazing awards in our newsletter.
Term 1:
1 running medal
1 reading challenge award
1 gymnastics award
Congratulations to you - we are very proud of your achievements outside of school.
Year group email
Please remember that you can contact your child's year group with our year group emails:
Year 2 - Badger Class:
Year 1 - Owl Class:
Reception - Bat Class:
We have had a very exciting term with balance, agility and gymnastic work.
Reminders please that children should wear their PE kit to school for the day -
PE kit should be:
Black or blue shorts, White t-shirt, Plimsolls or trainers
Long hair must be tied back.
YR Bat - Monday
Y1 Owl - Monday
Y2 Badger - Wednesday
Jewellery in School
Can we please remind you that no jewellery (earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets) are allowed in school for PE or physical climbing activities.
If earrings are to be worn for school they must be small stud earrings.
For PE activities in particular, all earrings must be removed. For Health and Safety reasons, children cannot take part in PE if they are wearing earrings.
Again, as part of our Health and Safety audit, children will not be permitted to use the climbing frame if they are wearing earrings or any other items of jewellery.
Bat Class PE
PE will begin for Bat Class on Monday 31st October.
Please come to school in your PE kit.
You will be taking part in 'Balanceability', using the balance bikes to work on your core strength and balance skills!
The link above will take you to the National Online Safety site where you will find support and guides for helping to keep your children safe online.
These guides and videos match the teaching we are delivering in school.
If you are having any technical difficulties signing up, please come to the school office.
This term we have been learning all about 'Online Reputation' - the things we should and should not share online for others to find or search for. Can you complete this quiz together?
Reading Records
As you will have heard at parents evening, your entries into your child's reading record are really important for us. Reading with your child in a range of ways will support them to become a confident reader. The reading books we send home are designed to be decodable - but we know that children will want to read other books too. ANY reading activity has value - bedtime stories, your child reading their book, or any kind of reading activity, long or short.
Diwali Dance Workshop
The children had an amazing time yesterday learning about the 'Festival of light'
We have added to our 'Curriculum Enrichment' albums on our website
Poppy Appeal 2022
From 1st November we will be selling poppies on behalf of this year's Poppy Appeal.
Please call into the school office to buy or make a donation !
Recently, our PTA put Greenvale forward online for a giveaway prize of 30 copies of the popular "Where's the Fancy Dress Poo?"
Well, we won!
Thank you to everyone that saw the post, voted and shared.
Monday 7th November 4pm to 5.30pm
Spooks and Sparkles After School Disco for Years 1 & 2.
Tickets go on sale on Tuesday 1st November £2.50 a ticket including drink, snack and spooky surprise!
Monday 14th November
We will be taking part in odd socks day on the 14th November, as part of Anti-Bullying week.
Come to school wearing your odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique!