Dear Parent/Carers,
On behalf of all the staff, a warm welcome back to school for our children, particularly our new children starting school in Reception and Nursery.
The children have settled really well and are already enjoying their learning activities in class.
Reception children will be staying for lunch next week, so please look at the menu to ensure your child will like their dinner. Pick up time for Reception will be 1:00pm. Nursery children will be staying all morning next week, pick up time will be 11:40am.
Please remember to complete any outstanding paper work for school that you have and bring into the office to ensure we have all the up-to-date information about your child.
Please also remember that school will be closed this Monday (19th September), as it is now a Bank Holiday for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
Finally, our newsletter contains a lot of important information this week, so please read through carefully.
Mrs Allnutt