Dear Parent/Carers,
As the school year has finally come to an end, I want to say a 'BIG' thank you for all your support and care over the last year.
It has been a difficult year at times with COVID, and illness and of course the latest challenge of a heat wave! Your children have been amazing through everything that has happened. They have worked so hard and as always, their behaviour has been a credit to you.
School trips were such a wonderful event following COVID, and to see the children talk and discuss their visits was nothing but amazing.
Sports day was an opportunity for the children to show you their skills, resilience and of course team work. Again behaviour and sportsmanship was brilliant with everyone taking part and participating with enjoyment.
Finally, the school play was simply fabulous! To be able to have the whole school take part, sing beautifully and act was something truly magical. The children's enthusiasm came through as well as their confidence! So special to end the term on such a high note.
The staff and I wish you all a wonderful, safe and happy holiday!
Mrs Allnutt