Dear Parent/Carers,
Welcome back to our Summer term, if only the weather could warm up too!
We have all year groups beginning their term 5&6 topics - the curriculum maps of learning intentions can be found on the website here:
Curriculum Maps
We have our first out-of-school trip happening this term, with Year 1 preparing to visit Wingham Wildlife Park on Wednesday 11th May. We are so pleased that we can offer these additions to your children's learning. Work that takes place outside the classroom can provide a very powerful means of developing learning.
We will also be preparing to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in the last week of term. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for the children to be part of. We have plans for a street-style party in the playground, and the children are already beginning to find out a little more about the Queen and her role, with Craft Club using her as a focus for their creativity this term. We will be combining this celebration with our annual 'Elmer Day', using the stories of David McKee to celebrate inclusivity and friendship.
As you will see below, we are delivering Key Stage 1 SATs for our Year 2 children this term. These form part of a National Assessment expectation for pupils. Later in June, we will also be delivering the Year 1 Phonics Screening (more details in a letter next week).
Therefore, as is always the case, your child's daily attendance is vital. If for any reason your child is absent or planned to be absent, you must inform the office as soon as possible, so that teachers can be kept informed and bear this in mind when delivering and work of this nature for your child.
Mrs Allnutt