Newsletter issue number 4 - Term 2. - 5th November 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
This term brings lots of lovely events including our craft day, Christmas fair and Christmas play, so please look out for more information nearer the time!
It feels like such a long time since we have been able to do any of these events and staff are very excited about organising and having fun with their class.
Hopefully, all the building work will be finished today, so all routes into classrooms should be open on Monday, if not continue as you have done this week. We have a lot of exciting plans for the new space where the Nursery once was, and as always we will ask the children for their ideas as well.
Please can I ask you to ensure that you look at our website regularly for all upcoming events and activities.
Enjoy Bonfire weekend, and please stay safe.
Mrs Allnutt
Head teacher
Breakfast Club
On Monday the 8th November, Breakfast club will still be in Woodpeckers class as we need to complete a site inspection from the demolition work. We aim to be back in the School hall on Tuesday, we will advise if this is not the case.
Fire Safety
This week we had a visit from Kent Fire & Rescue Services to talk to the children about fire safety. With this weekend being Bonfire Night we wanted to make sure that the children understood the dangers with fire and fireworks.
Reception class also had a small bonfire today, this was all part of learning about how fire starts and the dangers involved.
PE Kit
Polite reminder that earrings should be removed before your child comes to school on their PE day.
The PE days are:
Reception - Monday
Year 1 - Tuesday. PE kits should be worn into school.
Year 2 - Wednesday. PE kits should be worn into school.
Latest News - We are aware that this section does not show the news in date order at this time. We have our website designers tweaking this in the background.
15th December is our school Christmas dinner & jumper day.
The children will be to enjoy a school Christmas dinner, or they can still bring in their packed lunches. Christmas dinners will need to be ordered in advance and we will send the details home nearer the time.
To make the day extra...
The theme for this year's Christmas craft day is....................Winter Wonderland.
The children love this day as they will be creative for the day making everything Christmassy. They will spend the day sparkling the school with Christmas magic, with some surprises along the way!
This is a non-uniform day in exchange for a donation to our the school tombola.
We are asking for donations of:
Please ensure the items donated are in date.
Thank you