Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly, I want to reassure you all that we are continuing to do all we can to keep your children safe during the continuing COVID situation. We are still continuing with our enhanced cleaning routine, hand-washing and ventilation within the classroom following DfE guidelines. As we are all aware, we can follow guidelines and yet we can still catch COVID. You will all receive our COVID flow chart explaining to you what to do if you suspect your child has symptoms. It is vital that if you or anyone in your family presents with symptoms, you complete a PCR test, this way we are all working to keep each other safe.
It was wonderful to see our new Reception children beginning their learning journey and enjoying the challenges and activities planned for them. Our Nursery children have now settled into school routine brilliantly. They are thoroughly enjoying their new Nursery environment and are beginning to engage with their friends. Having the Nursery now as part of the main school building means that the children begin to know what the whole school looks like as well as seeing other members of staff that they may well have as their teacher in the future.
Our Year 1 children are really enjoying using the outdoor area as well as their classroom to engage in learning new skills.
The children in Year 2 have had 'Jaws and Claws' visit this term and it was so lovely to see the children really interacting with the animals and learning about their habitats (see below).
Finally, please remember, we are here to support you, your family and your child. At Greenvale, we pride ourselves on having an 'open door' policy where you are given the time and support you need.
Keep safe and well,
Mrs Allnutt.